A Digital Signature Certificate is equal to the physical signature of an individual. It is accepted by all government department.
A DSC is a secure digital key that is issued by certifying authorities. It is used to validate and certify the identity of person to whom it belongs.
It is prepared by public key encryptions. Generally DSC conatins informations about the user's name, pin code, country etc.
DSC is stored in a token known as E- pass tokens. There are 3 classes of DSC.
Benefits of holding DSC are as follows:-
- Reduce cost and time
- Person need not be present physicallly
- Authencity Of documents
- Provide ease to fulfill statuory compliances
- Passwords protected signature helps to reduce forgery
Documents required:-
- Passport size photograph
- PAN card
- Adhaar card/ Voter Id card
- Mobile number and Email address